MIAC 2020 is Postponed to April 2021 (MIAC RESTART)

EDIPAP S.R.L. has decided, after recent consultations with companies in the paper industry sector, to postpone the October 2020 edition of the MIAC to April 2021 on 21.22.23 April 2021. The April 2021 edition takes the official name of MIAC RESTART.

The moving of MIAC 2020 to April 2021 (MIAC RESTART) is allowed and foreseen by point 29 of the “MIAC 2020 Contract” and/or by the “Reduction of the cost of participation ‐ MIAC 2020” form.

1. MIAC RESTART di aprile 2021 (21.22.23 aprile 2021). The sums paid for participation in MIAC 2020 remain valid for participation in MIAC RESTART in April 2021 (21.22.23 April 2021).

2. Companies that have returned signed and stamped for acceptance the “Reduction of the cost of participation ‐ MIAC 2020” form will receive ‐ in October 2020 ‐ the contract about the October 2021 edition of the MIAC. We remind you that the return of the MIAC 2021 contract (to be held on 13.14.15 October 2021) is necessary in order to take advantage of the 50% discount for participation in MIAC RESTART of April 2021.

3. The online Control Panel of the exhibiting company remains accessible for any changes by the Exhibitor until a new date to be communicated later.

For the MIAC RESTART edition of April 2021, all the contractual conditions indicated in the contract and in the general regulation of MIAC 2020 already signed by you for acceptance and in your hands remain valid.

As per our previous communications, we waited for the month of September to make a decision regarding MIAC 2020: organizing it this October would not have guaranteed MIAC 2020 Exhibitors to obtain a sufficient number of visits from their customers, due to the current covid‐19 situation which limits the movement of visitors.

Thank you for your kind attention and cooperation.


Gianmaria Pfeiffer

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