ANDRITZ Bast Fibre Line Commissioned at Ekolution

International technology group ANDRITZ has recently commissioned a state-of-the-art teXline bast fibre line at the new factory of Ekolution, a pioneer in sustainable building materials, in Malmö, Sweden.

ANDRITZ neXline airlay line in operation at Ekolution (Photos: Ekolution)

The line will expand Ekolution’s production capacity, producing environmentally friendly hemp fibres and nonwoven felts made from industrial hemp. The scope of supply included equipment for hemp decortication and refining, combined with a neXline airlay line for producing the felts.

The ANDRITZ line, designed to obtain hemp fibre without impurities through a gentle process, is equipped with machinery that has a small land footprint and operates at low energy consumption. The decortication and refining equipment will produce high-quality fibres from up to 5 tonnes of feedstock per hour. Some of the fibres will be fed into a neXline airlay flexiloft+ line producing up to 1.5 tonnes of nonwovens felt per hour for various applications.

About Ekolution
Ekolution, established in Sweden in 2013, produces bio-based building solutions and materials using hemp from its own plantations as a raw material. Its hemp fibre insulation is the first with an Environmental Product Declaration (EDP) confirming that it is carbon-negative (more CO2 is sequestered in the industrial hemp than is emitted in the production process). Ekolution’s hemp panels and nonwoven products have recently been used in the construction of a high-tech logistics centre in Stockholm, the world’s largest building project using hemp fibre insulation. In addition to the construction industry, Ekolution’s hemp products can also be used in the automotive, textile, furniture, acoustics, packaging, pulp (paper) and other segments where green, natural fibres are in demand.